Packers, have you ever seen a better season. Well I didn’t get to see any of it on TV, but the people who came into the store would always talk around me about how well the Packers were doing. I never thought I would get bought and taking home to be worn by someone, and then one day I was. Some girls’ mom came into the store looking for anything Packers. Then she stumbled upon me. I knew what Christmas presents were and that Christmas was on its way. I knew this because people were always talking about it. So once my new owner purchased me I was wrapped up and put under a tree. I was so excited and couldn’t wait until someone opened me. Once Christmas day came I was really excited when her and her family got home from their Christmas somewhere else they started opening up all the gifts. I was one of the last couple to be opened and when she ripped off the paper and started to open the lid of the box: she started screaming. I was so happy that she was so excited to see me. She put me on right away and didn’t take me off till she went to bed that night. I was so excited to have a new home and an owner that I will always keep warm. Merry Christmas!