Your mind is like a parachute, It doesn't work if it's not open.

We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorns have roses. You decide.

The worst battles we have to fight are between what we know and what we feel.

Sometimes the most important lessons, are the ones we end up learning the hard way.

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Author's Note: I wrote this piece about water in Writing Circles. In this piece I worked on explaining how water makes me feel and not just a random story about water.

Water makes me feel… like I can just have fun and that life isn’t all stuck in a subdivision, in a town, where you can almost reach out your window and touch the house next to you. You can’t control water just like you can’t control life; water goes where ever it wants to and same with people. Water is what people think of when they just want to get away and think. I always look at water when I just feel like thinking or play in water to make everything else disappear it makes me think of being free and not being stuck in my house and trapped. Water is what makes me feel good. Water is just what it is it’s water you make of it what you make of it and different people think of water in different ways, but water is just as simple as that, water is water.

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