Your mind is like a parachute, It doesn't work if it's not open.

We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorns have roses. You decide.

The worst battles we have to fight are between what we know and what we feel.

Sometimes the most important lessons, are the ones we end up learning the hard way.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Courage, Hope, and Honor

Author's Note: I wrote this essay in the Writing Lab for a DWA piece. It is about people who don't know the real meaning of courage, hope, and honor. Let me know what you think. 

Courage, Hope, and Honor are hard things to figure. You can have courage based on a dumb idea or mistake. You can have hope based on things you “need”.  You can have honor based on just history. You have to use all these things to make your own life yours. But, you’re not supposed to question adults because they have all of the right answers. Is that really true, it all depends on who you are, what you want to be and maybe where you came from. Sometimes no one understand the differences between these three words. That’s why life is such a tricky thing. Should you always do what the adults in your own life tell you to do, or should you make your own path. Take that path no one else is willing to take because if you make your own life decisions you will turn out better than the people who where dumb enough to follow everyone else.

But what are courage, hope, and honor are they really as tricky as people think they are or do you figure out what they are when you choose your own life path. Courage, is the ability to face fear. We all have fears in life but do we all really confront them? I will say that I claim that I face all my fears, I don’t. I am really scared of dogs, when I was three I was attacked by one. It gives me a good excuse to be afraid of them, right? Not really I should really suck it up and act like I’m 13 and move on but, I can’t get over that fear and I don’t think I ever will. When I was little my uncle told me that facing my fears proves to everyone else in the world that it is possible. My uncle faced his fears when he had cancer for ten years before he passed away in 2010. I will make sure that I eventually concur my fear of dogs, just like my uncle concurred his fear. All though it will take time for me to get over that hump, as much as it scares me. But being scared isn’t always a bad thing either is it? It goes with courage, you have to be afraid of something in order to have the courage to face it.

Even though courage is one thing some people don’t understand, I think a lot of people don’t understand the meaning of hope. Their meaning of hope is that they hope they get a car for their birthday, or they hope they get that shirt, or something that they really want or “need”. That’s not the meaning of hope. The meaning of hope is that something good will come out of something that isn’t going very well. Growing up I hoped two of my uncles wouldn’t die from cancer. Well you know what those kids got that car and got everything they wanted, and guess what I didn’t get my wish and I was really hoping that someone would finally give me what I wanted but, I learned something after they both passed away though,  it was that everything happens for a reason. You can hope for anything in the world and sometimes it’s just not good enough because that’s what happened in their life and you can’t change that, but the best part I got out of it all was that they were proud that they were themselves and lived their lives to the fullest and you know what the honor of being yourself is 100 times better than being the copy of someone else.

All though when I was thinking about hope I started thinking about honor. Honor to me means that you die trying for something important, or that you are your own person, then you have both honor and courage.  I hope that everyone understands the meaning of honor. All Americans had hope on 9-11-2001. All Americans had hope on the day Pearl Harbor got hit, and even though both of these were really sad times for our country we realized, that we are free and able to get through anything. That is why hope and honor fit together so well. Sometimes though I feel like our country is far from honored to be together as one, I hope that everyone in America is honored to be an American and be proud that we can make it out of anything together.  

That’s why courage, hope and honor are such tricky things. It’s not because of their meaning in the dictionary, but because of what they mean to each and every person in the world, and how they help make each and every one of us different by our meaning of what these words represent. But the question here is, should you always do what everyone else tells you to do. If I had to answer this I would say that I am going to choose my own path in my life, my other answer would be it’s up to the person you’re asking. You should hope for courage and try for honor, and maybe even pray that the people telling you what to do know what they’re doing before the choose your life story, or will you let them. So are you going to follow everyone else and listen to the people picking your life story for you, or are you going to make your own path in life, the answer is only up to you, no one else.