Your mind is like a parachute, It doesn't work if it's not open.

We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorns have roses. You decide.

The worst battles we have to fight are between what we know and what we feel.

Sometimes the most important lessons, are the ones we end up learning the hard way.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Author's Note: I usually don't write author's notes because I believe that what I write should be able to tell you it's story on it's own, and not need support from an author's note. But, this one needed a little bit of explaining. In Language Arts class, we went down to the library and looked at all of the art projects. Mrs. Reagles told us to find a piece that spoke to us. Surprisingly I found my best friends art piece the one that spoke to me the most. It was a butterfly in a hand, and it was just so simple that it got me thinking about how simply things can be, if you just let them be and stop worrying. I hope you enjoy this piece!

It's the simpleness of holding a butterfly in your hand that can make you think of so many things.
It makes me think of everything I was in life before now.
Where I used to be, to what I am now; how simple things were.

It's simple, because everything doesn't have to be elaborate.
It's simple, to the point where it tells a story all on its own.
It's simple, to the point where everything about it is simple.

The story is simple.
The piece is simple.
So, why can't everything just be as simple. 

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