Your mind is like a parachute, It doesn't work if it's not open.

We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorns have roses. You decide.

The worst battles we have to fight are between what we know and what we feel.

Sometimes the most important lessons, are the ones we end up learning the hard way.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Kent Thune Report

Author's Note: I wrote this in investing following a article we worked on for a couple of months on Mutual Funds. 

Kent Thune’s main ideas in the article of Mutual Funds, where the definition of a mutual fund, baskets of investments, the advantages of mutual funds, and basic types of mutual funds. A mutual fund is and investment security type that enables investors to pool their money together. Baskets of Investments hold dozens or hundreds of stocks and bonds, but the investors do not own the holdings, but part of the mutual fund. The advantages of mutual funds are simple, investors simply do not have the knowledge or time to start making their own portfolio of stocks and bonds; buying a portfolio enables them to have a professionally managed diverse portfolio. Also, it costs as little as $1,000 to own a professionally managed diverse portfolio. There are two basic types of mutual funds, stock funds, and bond funds, plus mutual funds are cheaper and easier to start.

The key details in Kent Thune’s article where the advantages and types of mutual funds. The advantages of mutual funds are simple, diversified, and accessible. They are simple because most people don’t know how to start their own portfolio. All investors have to make sure not to but all their eggs in one basket. Plus, it doesn’t cost a lot to start investing in mutual funds. The basic types of mutual funds are stock funds and bond funds. Although most people like to invest in index funds.

I believe Kent Thune’s intended audience for his article on mutual funds, was for ‘new’ investors. People who have no idea what a mutual fund is, and have no idea how to even start making their own portfolio. His purpose for writing this article was to inform ‘new’ investors about what a mutual fund actually was, and what they advantages of having one were.

Some of the most important things to know about mutual funds for ‘new’ investors can be found in this article. Mutual fund baskets, can holds dozens to hundreds of stock/bond funds. Also, Kent Thune informs you on the advantages of mutual funds -- simplicity, diversity, and accessibility. The most common types of mutual funds are also mentioned in this article – stock funds, bond funds, and index funds seeming to be the mutual funds most gravitate toward.

My clients are my parents who are in there early 50’s and no just about nothing about mutual funds. So, this is what I have to say to inform them about mutual funds. Mutual funds have many advantages, one being how simple they actually are compared to what people think about them. Most who start investing don’t know anything or close to nothing about mutual funds. So, buying a professionally managed mutual fund, will help you in the long run for not knowing next to nothing about investing concepts and strategies. Mutual funds are also very diverse meaning that they are not going to put all your eggs in one basket, and are going to try and make you as much money as possible. They are also very accessible to anyone, because they don’t cost that much to start. Plus, with a little research anyone can get started investing in mutual funds within minutes or just a couple of hours. 

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